T-cens Enquiries on Educational and Occupational Background
T-cens Enquiries on Educational and Occupational Background page helps you to calculate the total number of years of your schooling and occupation.
Students applying through T-cens must read the Curriculum Vitae page in Guidance Information.
Fill in the information about the schools you have attended starting from elementary school to undergraduate/graduate school..
Then move to the Employment Record part to fill in the information about your work experience.
Click the export PDF button anywhere on the form and a PDF file is automatically generated, including AFEB-1, AFEB-2 and AFEB-3.
Submit the downloaded PDF as AFEB.pdf.
Notes when filling in T-cens Enquiries on Educational Background.
This form is NOT automatically saved online.
If you want to revise any output data while reviewing the PDF, do not shut down the browser, because you will need to type all the information in once again from the beginning. Instead, go back to T-cens Enquiries on Educational and Occupational Background and revise the data.
If your computer automatically shuts down while you are momentarily absent from your computer during this process, all entries may be deleted and you may have to fill in the form again from the very beginning.
You may use a separate piece of paper if the space provided is insufficient.