T-cens recommended computer settings (as of June, 2022)
Windows 10
Firefox (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)
- macOS 10.15 Catalina
Safari (latest version)
- Tool
Adobe Reader
Recommended computer environment to work smoothly with T-cens
- To ensure all data is displayed correctly, please do not access the T-cens system via mobile phones, tablets, or other browsers.
- To ensure all data is properly displayed, please use one of the above indicated browsers.
- It is recommended that you do not open the T-cens system in multiple browser tabs simultaneously. Making changes to information in one tab may cause information to change or disappear from another tab.
- Please type using alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) only. Special characters including umlaut, acute accents and so
on (~ * & ^ # $ % @ / \ : ; < > etc.) should not be entered. These characters may be replaced with unreadable text.
- Please enable JavaScript (in your browser) to view this page as intended.
This is a translation from the Japanese original. In the event of any discrepancies between the Japanese original and the English translation, the Japanese version shall prevail.
T-cens recommended computer settings (as of June, 2022)
Windows 10
Firefox (最新版)
Google Chrome(最新版)
macOS 10.15 Catalina
Adobe Reader
- ブラウザのタブ機能について
- 英語のアルファベット(A-Z)で入力してください。特殊文字 (~,*,&,^,#,$,%,@,/,\,:,;,<,>, etc.)は、入力時に利用すると、文字化けの原因となります。 極力お控えください。
- その他プレビューリリースやベータ版、携帯電話やタブレット搭載のフルブラウザなどは、ページが正常に機能しないなどの可能性があります。
- このページを正しく表示するためにはJavaScriptを使用できるように設定して下さい。