Course Summary
School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo


Course Title China Scholarship Council Program PhD Course Applied Physics
Course Code A24DCSCAPP
Admission Type International Admission
Department Applied Physics
Degree / Non Degree Degree
Degree Objective Doctoral Course
Enrolment Semester Autumn 2024
Number of Students to be Admitted Limited numbers
Preferred candidates Requirement for Eligibility(出願資格)
Please confirm the applicatin eligibility through Application Guidelines before your registration;
* Application Guidelines for CSC Doctoral Program (PhD. Course)
** Application Guidelines for All Doctor’s Special English Graduate Programs

Applicants are enrolled at any of the following accredited universities (except students who currently live in Japan).

Accredited universities 認定大学
北京大学、清华大学、南京大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、西安交通大学、浙江大学、中国科学技术大学、哈尔滨工业大学、 南开大学、天津大学、东南大学、武汉大学、华中科技大学、吉林大学、厦门大学、山东大学、中南大学、大连理工大学、同济大学、北京师范大学、中国人民大学、重庆大学、四川大学、中山大学、兰州大学、西北农林科技大学、中国农业大学、 北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、西北工业大学、华东师范大学、华南理工大学、中国海洋大学、湖南大学、东北大学、 中央民族大学、电子科技大学、国防科学技术大学、中国地质大学(北京)、中国地质大学(武汉)、中国矿业大学、中国矿业大学(北京)、中国石油大学(北京)、中国石油大学(华东)、中央财经大学、北京科技大学、北京邮电大学、上海财经大学、北京林业大学、 北京交通大学、中国政法大学、华中师范大学、武汉理工大学、西南大学、河海大学、上海大学、华东理工大学、南京农业大学、 四川农业大学
Additional Requirements from the course you are applying for. For the CSC program applicants;

1. Copy of TOEFL Examinee Score Report or other official certificate of English ability. (Only TOEIC, IELTS, CAMBRIDGE or CET-6 will be accepted, with no exceptions.
Upload and send photocopies of the tests. They do not need to be attested. Please refer to the Submission Checklist downloadable from this Course Summary.

To CAMBRIDGE and CET-6 takers of CSC program applicants
Use TOELF PBT spaces to provide your test data in T-cens.
Fill in;
1) your test date at Date Taken (Monthly/Year)
2) your test name (either CAMBRIDGE or CET-6) and test score at TOEFL PBT test Score space.(e.g. CET-6 500)

2. Two online recommendations are required.
One of the recommendation letters must be written by the applicant’s present supervising professor (at a university in China)


Process Schedule for
Autumn 2024 Enrolment
Online Application starts 15:00 JST, 01st November 2023
Deadline for creating T-cens application accounts (Course Selection) 15:00 JST, 06th December 2023
Deadline for data entry through T-cens 15:00 JST, 08th December 2023
Your application dossier must reach your ICT Admissions Desk no later than this date. 15th December 2023
Final results will be announced. Eraly March 2024 (tentative)
We will NOT accept any applications submitted after the deadline under any circumstances.


apply submit post
Fill in web forms and upload files. sub_btn
Press the “Submit” button by the deadline date.

Otherwise, your application is incomplete and you will not be considered for evaluation.
Press the “Finish” button by the deadline date.

Otherwise, your application is incomplete and you will not be considered for evaluation.
Proceed to the “Post” page. Send all required application documents by post.
Otherwise, your application is incomplete and you will not be considered for evaluation.


You need to prepare two types of application documents:
a) General Documents to be Submitted Online
b) Additional Requirements from the course you are applying for (to be submitted online);

This list shows some formatted application documents which you need to upload on T-cens. Please confirm materials to be sent by registered express mail (e.g., printed versions of some online forms, transcripts, degree certificate, etc.) from the Submission Checklist, which you can download by clicking the icon below.

a) General Documents
Photo Headshot photo:Frame the subject showing an aplicant's full face, frontal view, with eyes open.
A color photo is preferable.
The background must be solid and no shadow.

Taken within the last six (6) months prior to T-cens application
The file size must be no more than 500 kB.
Passport A photocopy of your valid passport (most preferable), census register, or other proof of citizenship.
Identification card with your photo is preferable.
AF0_declaration All applicants should upload the declaration here.
AF2_statement_of_study_plans Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.
AF3_summary_of_graduation_thesis Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.
AF4_AFEB Please upload your completed
AF4_AFBE_T-cens_Enquirers_on_Educational_and Occupational_Background
in this space.
AF5_CV_for_T-cens_award_publication Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.
AF6_History_of_your_visits_to_Japan -
academic_transcript_Bachelor Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.

PDF documents will not be accepted if the picture quality is unreadable. Image files(JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF)should be scanned by a scanner.
Adobe Scan might be helpful to convert files into PDF.
academic_transcript_Master Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.

PDF documents will not be accepted if the picture quality is unreadable. Image files(JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF)should be scanned by a scanner.
Adobe Scan might be helpful to convert files into PDF.
grade_and_grading_system Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.
graduation_Bachelor Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.

PDF documents will not be accepted if the picture quality is unreadable. Image files(JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF)should be scanned by a scanner.
Adobe Scan might be helpful to convert files into PDF.
degree_Bachelor Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.

PDF documents will not be accepted if the picture quality is unreadable. Image files(JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF)should be scanned by a scanner.
Adobe Scan might be helpful to convert files into PDF.
graduation_Master Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.

PDF documents will not be accepted if the picture quality is unreadable. Image files(JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF)should be scanned by a scanner.
Adobe Scan might be helpful to convert files into PDF.
degree_Master Read the Documents to Prepare and Submit page under the Guidance Information for details about each file’s requirements.

PDF documents will not be accepted if the picture quality is unreadable. Image files(JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF)should be scanned by a scanner.
Adobe Scan might be helpful to convert files into PDF.
expected_graduation Submit one of the following documents as the Certificate of Expected Graduation.
These documents are considered as Certificate of Expected graduation.

*Certificate of Expected Graduation
*Certificate of Enrolment
*Provisional Degree Certificate

Read this webpage for each file’s requirements.

PDF documents will not be accepted if the picture quality is unreadable. Image files(JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF)should be scanned by a scanner.
Adobe Scan might be helpful to convert files into PDF.
explanatory_letter_on_certified_documents Read the Documents to Prepare and Submit page under the Guidance Information for details about each file’s requirements.
English_language_proficiency Each Course has it own policy on English language test scores.
Confirm it through Standardized Tests and Submission Checklist located at the bottom of the Course Summary.

[General Requirements]
*An official test score from a standardized English exam is valid for only two (2) years.
At the date for document submission, scores must be within their period of validity.

[How to Submit]
*Upload a copy of English language proficiency onto T-cens.
*Your official document needs to be submitted (if required).

*Enquiries regarding arrival of scores from external testing centers will not be responded to.

For more details, read English Language Proficiency under the Guidance Information.
GRE_score_record Each Course has it own policy on GRE test scores.
Confirm it through Standardized Tests and Submission Checklist located at the bottom of the Course Summary.

[General Requirements]
*An official test score of GRE is valid for only five (5) years.
At the date for document submission, scores must be within their period of validity.

[How to Submit]
*Upload a copy of GRE onto T-cens.
*Your official document needs to be submitted via post (if required).

*Enquiries regarding arrival of scores from external testing centers will not be responded to.

*For more details, read the GRE Test page under the Guidance Information.
b) Additional Requirements from the course you are applying for.
Examination_Fee_receipt Upload a copy of examination fee payment receipt.
(10,000 Japanese Yen is required for the examination fee.)
doctoral_course_student_registration_certificate Those who are currently enrolled in their first year of a doctoral course at any of the accredited universities must submit a student registration certificate.
Additional_documents_required_by_the_department The file size must be under 10MB.
There is no specified format (free format).

Applied Physics
--Please submit a paper written in English of either A or B;
A) your master’s thesis in English,
B) a description of a past or ongoing research project conducted during your master’s course.
Summarized in about 10 pages of A4-sized paper.

「英文で書かれた修士論文の写し又は修士課程で行った(あるいは行っている) 研究の英文要約(A4用紙10頁程度)」


International Coordination Team (ICT) Admissions Desk Office of International Students,
School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
email: tcens_csc.t@


Click the icons below and view each webpage for more detailed information.

Course File 2
Submission Checklist

Click the Submission Checklist button and go to the following places;
Doctoral program applicant > ChecklistPHD and CheckPHD

Course File 3
Standardized Tests

One of the test scores (TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC/CAMBRIDGE/CET-6) is required.
For further information, click the Standardized Tests button and go to the following place;
SUBMISSION CHECKLIST > Doctoral program applicant > ChecklistPHD >How to Submit Standardized Test Scores